Strategies_About Us_Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited
SEHK: 00809   |  sitemap  |  繁体   简体  | 
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The Group's strategy has always been for growth through the development and refinement of production technologies and the effective marketing of its products through progressive but prudent expansion of its production capacities and sales network, and working with existing and new customers in the development of products that not only meet market demands, but in anticipation of demands.

In the long run, our goal is to add value along the value chain using corn as the raw material. Upon the foundation we built based on our current product mix, we strive to expand our product range to cater to changing market needs and respond quickly in value of market fluctuations.

As an industry leader in terms of production scale, product offering and operational efficiency, the Group will continue to give its products full play, foster its market penetration and consolidate its leading position in the industry. To cope with the challenges presented by rising energy and transportation costs, the Group will utiuse the network of our strong shareholder background in the agricultural sector, further optimise the production processes, improve the effectiveness of the utilisation of raw materials and energy and enhance our energy saving technology in order to maintain the Group's competitive strength.