Directors and Senior Management_About Us_Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited
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Awards and Recognition
Directors and Senior Management



 Executive Directors
Non-Executive Director
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Senior Management


Executive Directors

Mr. WANG Cheng

Mr. Wang Cheng is an executive Director of the Company and the chairman of the Board. Mr. Wang graduated from the Central University of Finance and Economics in July 1992, majoring in accounting. Mr. Wang obtained a postgraduate degree in management science and engineering from Liaoning Technical University in July 2007. Mr. Wang is currently a qualified senior accountant (正高級會計師) of the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”). Mr. Wang has over 30 years of accounting experience in various provincial units/bodies in Jilin Province, the PRC. Mr. Wang joined 遼源礦業(集團)有限責任公司 (Liaoyuan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd.*) in July 1992 and served as chief accountant from December 2007 to March 2009. Mr. Wang had served as deputy chief economist and chief accountant of 吉林省煤業集團有限公司 (Jilin Coal Industry Group Company Limited*) (“Jilin Coal”) as well as the director, chairman and party committee secretary of various wholly-owned subsidiaries of Jilin Coal from March 2009 to September 2017. Mr. Wang also served as deputy secretary of the party committee of 吉林省國有資本運營有限責任公司 (Jilin Provincial State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.*) from September 2017, and had been further appointed as the general manager from November 2017 to September 2022. From June 2018 to September 2022, he concurrently served as the chairman of 吉林省致晟投資管理有限公司 (Jilin Zhisheng Investment Management Co., Ltd.*). Since September 2022, Mr. Wang has been serving as the party committee secretary and chairman of 吉林省農業投資集團有限公司 (Jilin Agricultural Investment Group Co., Ltd.*), an indirect controlling shareholder of the Company.

Mr. WANG Guicheng

Mr. Wang Guicheng is an executive Director of the Company. Mr. Wang graduated from the Jilin Grain High College for Professional Training, specialising in grain storage and analysis. He joined the Group in 1997 and has been engaging in management of production technology. He has been the general manager of the Xinglongshan production site of the Group since 2015. Mr. Wang was the general manager of Dehui production site of the Group from July 2016 to March 2017. Mr. Wang was appointed as deputy general manager of the Group’s production and operation department in March 2017 and was subsequently appointed as the chief operating officer of the Group and the GSH Group in December 2018.


Non-Executive Director

Mr. LI Yuewen

Mr. Li Yuewen is a non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Li graduated from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, majoring in economic information management, in June 2002. Mr. Li has over 20 years’ experience in finance and wealth management in various securities trading firms and wealth management firms in the People’s Republic of China. Mr. Li joined 長春市新興產業股權投資基金有限公司 (Changchun Emerging Industry Equity Investment Fund Co., Ltd.*) (one of the beneficial owners of 吉林省現代農業產業投資基金(有限合夥) (Jilin Province Modern Agricultural Industry Investment Fund (LLP)*) which in turn wholly owns Modern Agricultural Industry Investment Limited, the controlling Shareholder) since October 2012 initially as an investment manager and is currently serving in the capacity of deputy general manager. Mr. Li also holds a fund practitioner qualification in the PRC.


Independent Non-Executive Directors

Ms. JIANG Fangfang

Ms. Jiang Fangfang is an independent non-executive Director of the Company. Ms. Jiang obtained a bachelor’s degree from 長春稅務學院 (Changchun Tax College*) (now known as the Jilin University of Finance and Economics), majoring in accountancy in December 2004. Ms. Jiang has accumulated over 20 years’ experience in accounting in various private enterprises in the PRC. Ms. Jiang joined 吉林省通暢標識標牌有限責任公司 (Jilin Tongchang Signage Co., Ltd.*) (formerly known as 吉林省通暢服務中心 (Jilin Tongchang Service Center*)) in March 2007 as an accountant and is currently the head of the financial department.

Mr. TAN Chao

Mr. Tan Chao is an independent non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Tan graduated from the Open University of China (formerly known as the China Central Radio and TV University) in August 1986, majoring in financial management. Mr. Tan is also a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Tan has over 42 years of accounting experience in various state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in China. Mr. Tan served as the director of the accounting department of Jilin Province Department of Finance from March 1987 to July 1994 and the financial director of 吉林省國際經濟貿易開發公司 (Jilin Province International Economy and Trade Development Corporation*) from August 1994 to August 1998 respectively. From September 1998 to August 2002, Mr. Tan served as the chairman of 招賢求實會計師事務所 (Zhaoxian Qiushi Certified Public Accountants*). He served as a partner of Da Hua Certified Public Accountants from September 2002 to December 2016. Afterwards, Mr. Tan had continued to serve as a senior consultant of Dahua CPA until September 2023. Mr. Tan has retired.

Ms. XIE Liangqiu

Ms. Xie Liangqiu is an independent non-executive Director of the Company. Ms. Xie graduated from 吉林財貿學院 (Jilin College of Finance and Trade*) (now known as the Jilin University of Finance and Economics), majoring in accountancy in July 1992. Ms. Xie attained a master’s degree in Business Administration and a doctoral degree in Econometrics from Business School of Jilin University in December 2002 and in December 2008, respectively. Since July 1992, Ms. Xie has been teaching in 長春工程學院 (Changchun Institute of Technology*), focusing in the education and researches in accounting and finance areas.


Senior Management

Mr. SHA Yufeng

Mr. Sha Yu Feng, aged 50, was appointed as chief accountant of the Group in November 2022. Mr. Sha obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Jilin University of Finance and Economics (formerly known as 長春稅務學院 (Changchun Tax College*)) in December 1995, majoring in accountancy. Mr. Sha is also a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Sha has over 28 years of accounting experience in various private enterprises and listed enterprises in China. From July 1995 to May 2007, Mr. Sha joined 中准會計師事務所 (Zhongzhun Certified Public Accountants) and last served as senior project manager. Mr. Sha joined Nuode New Materials Co., Ltd., a company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 600110), and served as financial controller, deputy chief executive officer and chief executive officer from May 2007 to May 2017. He served as chief executive officer and chairman of 吉林利源精制股份有限公司 (Jilin Liyuan Precision Manufacturing Co., Limited*) from May 2018 to May 2019. Afterwards, Mr. Sha was appointed by 吉林省東北襪業紡織工業園發展有限公司 (Jilin Northeast Socks and Textile Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. *) as chief consultant from May 2019 to November 2022.

Mr. TAI Shubin

Mr. Tai Shubin, aged 43, graduated from 吉林工商學院 (Jilin Business and Technology College*) (formerly known as 吉林糧食高等專科學校 (Jilin Grain College*)) in July 2004 majoring in financial management. In December 2014, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in social work and management from Jilin University. Mr. Tai qualified as a senior management accountant (高級管理會計師) in the PRC in October 2020 and an International Certified Public Accountant from 中國企業財務管理協會 (Enterprise Financial Management Association of China) in September 2021. Mr. Tai has over 18 years of experience in accounting and financial management and served in various capacities in different state-owned enterprises in Jilin Province’s agricultural sector, including 吉林吉糧平安米業有限公司 (Jilin Jiliang Ping’an Rice Industry Co., Ltd.*), 吉林糧食資產管理有限公司 (Jilin Grain Asset Management Co., Ltd.*) and Nongtou. Mr. Tai has been a director of Nongtou from August 2016 to February 2022. Mr. Tai was also the financial controller for mainland China region of the Group between July 2018 and October 2022 and has been promoted to the deputy general manager for mainland China region of the Group in October 2022 and primarily responsible for overseeing the Group’s procurement department. Mr. Tai was appointed as executive director of GSH on 17 December 2020 and re designated to a nonexecutive director of GSH on 18 January 2024.


* For identification purposes only