Awards and Recognition_About Us_Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited
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Corporate Profile
Awards and Recognition
Directors and Senior Management



Year Description


December Selected by Economic Digest as one of the Hong Kong Outstanding Enterprises in 2008


November Award of Best Investor Relations and Best CEO in Food, Beverage & Tobacco sector by London Institutional Investor
October Award of 200 Best Small Asian Companies by Forbes magazine
May Became a constituent of MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International China Index Series)


May Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Changchun production facilities
April Awards of the 7th Best Managed Company and Best Investor Relations in China by FinanceAsia Annual Best Managed Company Awards for 2004


December 1. Named in the Second Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500
2. Commenced production of paper-grade modified starch with a capacity of 50,000 mtpa
February High fructose corn syrup ("HFCS") refinery, a joint venture with US-based Cargill, Incorporated, accredited by international and local beverage companies
January Became a constituent stock of Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25 Index



December Selected by Euromoney Magazine as one of the Best Companies in Hong Kong
January Became a constituent stock of CLSA's China World Index



October 1. 1. Became a constituent stock of Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
2. Became a constituent stock of CLSA's Private Enterprise Index
3. Selected by Forbes Global magazine as one of the 200 Best Small Companies in the world
July Selected by UBS Warburg as a constituent stock of its China Private Enterprise Index
March The Company was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited