Year |
Description |
December |
Selected by Economic Digest as one of the Hong Kong Outstanding Enterprises in 2008 |
November |
Award of Best Investor Relations and Best CEO in Food, Beverage & Tobacco sector by London Institutional Investor |
October |
Award of 200 Best Small Asian Companies by Forbes magazine |
May |
Became a constituent of MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International China Index Series) |
May |
Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Changchun production facilities |
April |
Awards of the 7th Best Managed Company and Best Investor Relations in China by FinanceAsia Annual Best Managed Company Awards for 2004 |
December |
1. Named in the Second Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500
2. Commenced production of paper-grade modified starch with a capacity of 50,000 mtpa |
February |
High fructose corn syrup ("HFCS") refinery, a joint venture with US-based Cargill, Incorporated, accredited by international and local beverage companies |
January |
Became a constituent stock of Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25 Index |
December |
Selected by Euromoney Magazine as one of the Best Companies in Hong Kong |
January |
Became a constituent stock of CLSA's China World Index |
October |
1. Became a constituent stock of Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
2. Became a constituent stock of CLSA's Private Enterprise Index
3. Selected by Forbes Global magazine as one of the 200 Best Small Companies in the world |
July |
Selected by UBS Warburg as a constituent stock of its China Private Enterprise Index |
March |
The Company was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited |